The Erasmus+ Adventure: Sharing Knowledge on Machine Learning at Oviedo University

8.11.2022 00:41:56AcademicOkunma Sayısı : 466

Teaching machine learning at Oviedo University in Spain under the Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility program was an unforgettable experience for me. Not only was I able to share my knowledge on this rapidly evolving field, but I also had the opportunity to learn from the highly engaged students and academic colleagues at the university.

Conducting the course in a bilingual format, with half the content in English and the other half in Spanish, presented a unique challenge that ultimately enriched my teaching experience. This allowed me to bridge the language barrier and connect with the students on a deeper level, fostering a more inclusive and engaging learning environment. Furthermore, the bilingual format pushed me to become more adept at communicating complex concepts in both languages, which will undoubtedly benefit my future teaching endeavors.

The enthusiasm and curiosity displayed by the students and academic colleagues at Oviedo University were truly inspiring. Their passion for machine learning and its potential applications in various fields generated stimulating discussions and fueled my own interest in the subject matter. The collaborative nature of the course encouraged the sharing of diverse perspectives and ideas, which broadened my understanding of machine learning and its implications.

The Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility program provided a fantastic platform for international collaboration and cultural exchange. It was a great privilege to be part of this program and to have the opportunity to contribute to the education of future machine learning experts in Spain. I look forward to maintaining connections with the students and colleagues I met at Oviedo University and to exploring further opportunities for cross-cultural learning and collaboration.


Oviedo, 23.01.2022 01:10:00
La presentacion en La Universidad de Oviedo


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